
Lindsay McKenzie

Lindsay McKenzie is a reporter for StateScoop and EdScoop, covering higher education IT, broadband policy, state and local government industry news and emerging technologies.

Articles by Author

Smart City speakers
Left to right: Montgomery Alabama, Mayor Steven Reed; Little Rock, Arkansas, Mayor Frank Scott, Jr.; Charlotte, North Carolina, Mayor Vi Lyles; Forbes SVP of culture and community Rashaad Lambert; Smart City Expo USA CEO Aarti Tandon. (Lindsay McKenzie / Scoop News Group)

Mayors push to dismantle the ’New Jim Code’ 

conference speakers
From left to right: Miami-Dade County Chief Heat Officer Jane Gilbert, ISee Change CEO Julia Kumari Drapkin, Sea Level Solutions Center Director Tiffany Troxler, Personal Cities CEO Sandra Baer (Lindsay McKenzie / Scoop News Group)

How cities are using data to fight climate inequity
