New York governor announces $127M in new funds for public safety tech

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office this week announced that police departments and sheriffs’ offices outside New York City will receive $127 million for crime prevention tools and other new technology.
Nearly 400 law enforcement agencies across New York will receive funding through the state’s Public Safety Grant after filing last year for additional funds to purchase new equipment. According to the grant funding announcement, police departments and sheriffs’ offices will use the funding to purchase license plate readers, mobile and fixed camera systems, computer-aided dispatch systems, software, drones, gunshot-detection devices and “smart” equipment for patrol vehicles and police officers.
“Public safety is my top priority, and we are continuing to make record investments in law enforcement so they have the resources they need to protect our communities,” Hochul said in a press release. “By investing in the latest technology and equipment, we’re responding to the requests of law enforcement agencies as they look to safeguard the future of our state.”
The funding is distributed by the Division of Criminal Justice Services, an agency that supports functions including managing criminal history records and fingerprint files, and performing background checks for employment and licensure.
The agency issued a request for applications last September after obtaining feedback from police departments and sheriffs’ offices about the type of technology and equipment they need to more effectively solve and prevent crime. The requests totaled $44 million, more than double the state’s initial commitment of $20 million.
The $127 million in additional funding comes from the state’s fiscal year 2025 budget, which aims to “improve public safety, crack down on organized retail theft, combat the rising tide of hate crimes, prevent gun violence and domestic violence, and reduce recidivism and improve reentry for formerly incarcerated individuals across New York State.”