
New is latest to adopt responsive web strategy

Maryland has launched a redesigned, complete with responsive features that adapt to the visitor's device, whether it's a smartphone, tablet or personal computer.

Maryland has launched a redesigned, complete with responsive features that adapt to the visitor’s device, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet or personal computer.

New features include a prominent search, integrated social media and geo-location services, such as “Near You” that finds government offices and state parks based on a user’s current location.

“By leveraging the latest digital portal technologies, we are able to offer our constituents a wider array of communications channels and content with which to engage their state government,” said Department of Information Technology Secretary Elliot Schlanger in a prepared statement. “This is much, much more than a face-lift to”

Site development was a collaborative effort by the Maryland Department of Information and Technology and NIC Inc.


The site joins a growing list of state governments integrating responsive web design practices into their development strategies.

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