Joe McIntosh, director of service delivery, Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services

What does your role entail?
I’m responsible for delivery of solutions to the 110-plus agencies we support. So within the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, where I’m stationed, we are central IT for the state. My areas of responsibility include licensing and development and then it’s anything custom mapping and custom solutions. I’m responsible for enterprise systems and services, so anything around human resources, finance, accounting and supply chain, and anything around data services. So anything development-related across those areas, that’s what I’m accountable for.
What do you love most about your job as a public servant?
It’s definitely the impact we have on our citizens and really enabling the agencies to provide citizens with the vital services they need. Without question, that’s what I came here to do, and I’m very passionate about that and passionate about using technology to solve those problems and challenges and create great experiences for our citizens.
What lesson will you take with you from the pandemic?
I think it’s about readiness. The pandemic is the current fire we’re fighting, but at the end of the day, what it should have taught us is if we’re prepared for that next event and what does that actually mean from a technology perspective? Do we have the people, processes and technology in place to proactively address that next shift that occurred? Hopefully, as we come out of this and take lessons learned, we really look at each agency and think about what transformation and preparedness means for that agency.