Meet the govies: Q&A with Wisconsin’s Susan Lee

“Meet the Govies” is StateScoop’s regular Q&A with the people who work inside state technology. If you work in state government and would like to be featured or know of someone good to nominate, email
Name: Susan Lee
Title: Enterprise Service Desk Section Chief
State: Wisconsin
Agency: Department of Administration / Division of Enterprise Technology
What made you want to work in government technology?
Many years ago, my mom worked for state government and found it to be rewarding, and the state is a good employer in many ways. And secondly, I honestly have a great attachment for the state of Wisconsin and a passion for technology. For me, it was the natural place to continue my career.
Technology in the state supports so many critical programs to our constituents that I truly feel like I am making a positive difference for the population of Wisconsin.
What project are you working on that you are most proud of?
I have been involved with several variations of consolidations and transitions, and I continue to support the concept and believe significant savings are had. There are many tools and products that are replicated across the state’s government agencies and yet often times purchased and supported separately. So the transitions and consolidations that have occurred, although not always easy, have shown efficiencies.
How have you tried to bring innovation into government?
In the IT profession, we have to always be open to change and new ways of accomplishing our customer’s needs. However, there are components of government that can make this very difficult because of standards, regulations and statutes — this can be very challenging. I think the trick to keeping innovation in government is to not accept no for the answer and explore all options.
What things can we expect from you and your agency coming up?
In my specific area, we are focusing on improving our customer’s experience with the Wisconsin Enterprise Service Desk. We are looking at ways to accomplish first level call resolution and developing ability for the help desk agents to perform second level type calls for customer agencies.