  • Priorities Podcast

How identity is driving digital services in Illinois

On the Priorities podcast, acting Illinois Chief Information Officer Brandon Ragle says the state’s identity platform is driving how the state approaches digital services.

The state’s identity platform, called ILogin, has more than 2 million Illinois residents signed up. The tool allows residents to access multiple services with a single login.

“In the last few years, we’ve been working on modernizing our digital platforms, getting to that space where we can get some pretty usable websites,” Ragle says. “Our next goal this year is to push to get more of our applications that are used for online services behind that, and then really work on the usability piece of that.”

In addition to identity, Ragle says the state is also focusing on modernization as part of its digital services efforts.

“You can’t deliver good quality digital services with some antiquated technology,” Ragle says. “So we’ve been working to get good stacks in and good platforms in.”

Also on the podcast, Lisa Jammer, chief people and culture officer with the Texas Department of Information Resources, explains her approach to workforce

StateScoop reporter Keely Quinlan also joins the show to talk about her coverage of the fashion of NASCIO’s midyear conference.

In the news this week:

The Benton Institute for Broadband and Society has a new mapping tool that displays how many people are signed up for the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program. The tool provides data on how many households have signed up for the program and the number of households that are expected to enroll based on eligibility estimates.

Tennessee has now automated more than 100,000 hours of work across more than a dozen executive branch agencies using robotic process automation. Bob Pucci, the state’s executive director of intelligent automation, says the hours saved are the result of more than 120 automations. Next year, the state aims to automate more than 200 processes and save more than 250,000 hours of time. 

More than 1,800 state employees across Indiana have been trained in data literacy, says the state’s chief data officer. Indiana Chief Data Officer Josh Martin says the training involves online courses from Arizona State University and videos. The project is part of the state’s efforts to encourage employees to use more open data in their daily work.

StateScoop’s Priorities Podcast is available every Thursday. Listen more here.

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Priorities Podcast

Each Wednesday, StateScoop’s Priorities Podcast explores the latest in state and local government technology news and analysis. Listen to in-depth conversations with government and industry’s top executives, and learn about trending stories affecting state and local IT leaders ranging from modernization and digital accessibility to the latest advances in generative artificial intelligence.

Hosted by Jake Williams

Jake Williams is the vice president of content and community for StateScoop and EdScoop. He's spent nearly a decade in the government IT market, covering the ins and outs of state and local government, as well as higher education. He started his journalism career in his native Pennsylvania and has also worked as a reporter for Campaigns & Elections magazine.